Dragon YA Story Update

It’s been a long time in coming, but I finally finished the rough draft of my YA LGBT Dragon story. This started out as a contest concept. The prompt was to write an LGBT story about knights that had a happy ending. A short story turned into a novel (big surprise). I started it in November 2016, took off a few months, and finished it the last week of April for Camp NaNo. I have a lot to add in and edit, but it’s a step in the right direction. Right now it’s 75k. I plan to make it no longer than 80k.

On to updates for other projects. First, I intend to edit the Dragon book and send it off to a few beta readers. While they’re going through that, I’ll edit TOTC. I’ll go back and forth between editing the two books until I send the Dragon book out.

Meanwhile, I’m going to be writing some short stories for Whimsical Whisker, and also preparing to post a series I’m writing with my co-author on Patreon. Yes, we’ve decided we’re going to start getting our names out that way. And maybe then you’ll see some of my writing.

I still have a story with the Iowa Review. I’m hoping to hear back soon if I won a spot in their publication.

Until then, I’ll keep you all updated through the blog. I still intend to post helpful information, but this may also turn more into a personal blog as I get closer to sending work out.
